Critical Skills visa South Africa
The Department of Home Affairs has published a closed list of job titles which are scarce in the country and thus if you have a special skill set, you may be eligible for a critical skills visa in South Africa. Such categories include:
- Architects
- Financial Investment Advisors
- Database Specialists (IT)
- Nursing Professionals
- Doctoral Graduates (obtained in SA or abroad)
Whether you hold a critical skill is based on your academic and professional background, which is confirmed by a SAQA accredited professional body.
Critical skills permit South Africa
A critical skills visa can be obtained for one year if you do not have a job offer in place – and for up to five years if you have secured employment. If an applicant secures employment, the critical skills visa is linked to an employer and position.
Depending on your status in the South Africa, you may be able to apply from within the country. However, if you are a first-time applicant it is likely you will need to apply from your country of residence.
LISSA will first consult with you to advise whether you are a suitable candidate for a critical skills visa. If you have the appropriate academic and professional background we will then set-up a timetable to assist with obtaining all the necessary documentation for the visa, including verification of your foreign obtained degrees via SAQA and assistance with registration with the appropriate professional body.
Our service includes follow-up on all applications until finalisation of the application process.