[heading]Intra Company Transfer Work Visa[/heading]
Intra-company transfer work permits are for instances when an existing employee of a company abroad is to be transferred to a South African branch or affiliate usually to impart skills or introduce new programmes. This type of work visa is issued for a maximum duration of two years and is not renewable. Continued stay beyond the two years would need to be requested under a different class of work permit
Confirmation of employment by the overseas company will have to be obtained, together with agreement by the local counterpart in acceptance of the transferee.
An employee transferred to South Africa may be accompanied by family members such as spouse and children. Each family member will need to obtain a visa according to intended activities, for example children attending school will need to obtain a study visa.
Accompanying spouses of intra-company transfer work visa holders do not enjoy an automatic right to work in South Africa. Should the spouse wish to be employed, an application would need to be submitted under one of the work visa categories.