Technical Legal Services

Our attendances extend beyond permit acquisition and includes more technical legal services that require an advanced and detailed working knowledge of the Immigration Act/Regulations and other interrelated laws in the areas of adjudication, enforcement, and oversight by the authorities.

As specialist immigration consultants we are able to advise and instruct our immigration lawyers to attend on the contents to wither enforce or defend the rights of our clients.

We are one of the four firms in South Africa that can pride such a specialist litigation service in this field

Our services include:

[heading]Waiver Applications[/heading]

We will attend on section 31 exemptions to and motivate via well crafted legal representations to dispense with certain administrative legal requirements or forms or grant permanent residence in terms of the Immigration Act.

[heading]Legalisation and Regularisation Attendances[/heading]

In the event of an overstay or breach of permit conditions, our firm will assist in legalising or regularising the legal impediment to ensure that continued residency in South Africa can continue without voluntarily departing from South Africa or being arrested, fined or deported unnecessarily.

[heading]Representations & Appeals – Failure to expedite or Rejection of applications by Department[/heading]

In the event of a failure to take a decision timeously or an incorrect or unfair decision or rejection taken by the Department of Home Affairs, we will assist in the enforcement of a dispute and compel the review and/or appeal of any decision or failure to take a decision against the Director-General or Minister of Home Affairs.