South African Life Partner or South African Spouse Permit

Spousal Visa South Africa

A spouse visa is a three year renewable visa which entitles the holder to reside in South Africa with their spouse and can be endorsed to work,

spousal permit

spousal permit

study or even run a business. A common misconception is that a couple must be married in order to apply for a spousal visa – but in reality, it is a visa which is ideal for married couples or even permanent life partners of two years or more.

If unmarried, it is important to have a notarial contract which attests to the fact the relationship has been one of good faith for a period of at least two years – and is monogamous in nature. It is equally as important to illustrate proof of shared finances in the form of shared bank accounts, home insurance, lease agreements, etcetera.

Since the case of Stewart and Others v Minister of Home Affairs and Others, it is now possible for an applicant who is in South Africa on a tourist visa in terms of section 11(1) to change the condition of their visa to a spousal visa from within the country.