Study Visas South Africa
Section 13 – Study Visas
Note: Many learning institutions like schools, universities and colleges are often confronted with allowing the student to commence studies before their actual Study Visa has been finalized and endorsed in the learner’s passport.
Legal Immigration Services takes the view that if timeous application has been made, especially in the cases of minor learners, and the application has now been pending beyond 60 days of submission, such student could take the point that section 29 of our Constitution provides the right to receive basic education and all schools should consider this very seriously in their admissions policy.
In terms of schools in terms of the School’s Act 1996 as defined, Study Visas are required for primary and high schools for durations of up to a maximum of 8 and 6 years, respectively and renewable. Study visas are issued for durations at tertiary and higher educational institutions depending on the length of course, normally up to 3 to 4 years.
Note: Children at pre-primary level i.e. prior to Grade R do not require Study Visas but normal accompanying dependent minor Visitor’s Visas.
South African Study Visas at tertiary level entitle the holder to conduct part-time work for a period not exceeding twenty hours per week. This would not envisage full time employment and is not a substitute for a Work Visa.
Any change in school whilst the holder of a Study Visa moves to another school or departs or leaves school and remains in South Africa, such holder may be in breach of the terms of the original Study Visa and thus ensure that the terms of the Study Visa are strictly complied with.
Legal Immigration Services offers services in the acquisition, amendments and renewals of Study Visas should the need arise.