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[service icon=”moon-mouse-2″ size=”32″ title=”Work Visa”]There are four categories of work visas available to a foreigner, each with its own unique set of specific requirements over and above certain generic requirements.
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[service icon=”moon-users-2″ size=”32″ title=”Visitor’s Visa”]Visitor’s visas less than three months, a renewal, visa exemptions and “work authorisations”.
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[service icon=”moon-search-3″ size=”32″ title=”Volunteer / Academic Sabbatical /Research Activities”]A visitor’s visa may be issued for any period which may not exceed three years to a foreigner who has satisfied the Department of Home Affairs that he or she controls sufficient available financial resources and is engaged in South Africa in an academic sabbatical, voluntary or charitable activities, or research.
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[service icon=”moon-bubble-check” size=”32″ title=”Visitor’s visa for accompanying spouse and dependant children “]A visitor’s visa may be issued to an accompanying spouse and/or dependant children joining the main applicant/visa holder for a maximum duration of three years.
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[service icon=”moon-graduation” size=”32″ title=”Study Visa”]A study visa may be issued to a foreigner intending to study in South Africa for longer than three months at any institution of learning that has been approved by the Department of Home Affairs.
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[service icon=”moon-heart-3″ size=”32″ title=”Life Partner or Spouse Visa”]A “Life Partner” or “Spouse Visa” may be issued to a foreign spouse of a citizen or permanent resident for up to three years subject to that relationship being in good faith i.e. not of convenience.
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[service icon=”moon-briefcase” size=”32″ title=”Business Visa”]A business visa may be issued to a foreigner who intends to establish his or her own business or invest in an existing business in South Africa a minimum of R2.5 million from abroad into such business provided such funds are certified by a chartered accountant to remain part of the underlying book value of the business.
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[service icon=”moon-people” size=”32″ title=”Relative’s Visa”]A relative’s visa may be issued for a maximum of two years to a foreigner who is a member of the immediate family as defined of a citizen or permanent resident and able to prove kinship as defined.Such citizen or permanent resident must be able to financially support the applicant in an amount of R5000 per month per person. Where the applicant is a spouse or dependant minor child the proof of financial support is not required.
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[service icon=”moon-alarm” size=”32″ title=”Retired Person Visa”]A retired person visa may be issued to a foreigner exceeding a period of 3 months that intends to retire in South Africa provided that such foreigner is able to prove a financial status in the form of a right to a pension, irrevocable annuity, or requirement account.
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Temporary Residence Visa Application
There are a wide variety of temporary residence visas that one can apply for in South Africa.
Find out everything you need to know about the Application Process.
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